What is Attachment Parenting;

AP is based on the relationship developing between parent and child according to the “Bond Theory” (J.Bowlby), as the parent is required to respond to the child’s needs. The main carer with whom the baby is connected acts as a base for further investigation of the environment and as a model for all future relationships. If the child has not created an emotional bond, then this could severe repercussions in the child’s neurobiological, sociological and social development.

The more parents get informed about and trained on the attachment parenting philosophy, healing at the same time their childhood traumas as well, the fewer the chances children will have to evolve in “traumatised” adults and in turn to pass these experiences to their own children.

Maroula Kandyli, 
Counselling psychologist & Cognitive-Behavioural Psychotherapist
Partner of Attachment Parenting Hellas
Attached at the Heart Parent Educator

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