During pregnancy we avoid discussing psycho-emotional changes which a pregnant woman goes through while great attention is paid to the physical changes in her body.

During these nine months, the woman’s mood is changeable and is characterised by enthusiasm, impatience but also anxiety and fears. One in ten pregnant women suffers from depression or/and anxiety according to the WHO.

The pregnant woman may think “I feel totally on my own”, “Everyone has abandoned me”, “I won’t make it through the end”, “You can’t understand me” and “Nobody helps me”.

Pregnancy is a transitional stage in a woman’s life and involves an assortment of emotions. There are various psychological-social issues affecting a mother-to-be, such as the importance of a baby coming, changes in her relationships, support by her partner and family and expectations for her new role as a mother.  Other practical problems affecting a pregnant woman’s psychology is the economic situation of the family.

In pregnancy, the woman’s body changes and its image is altered in a short period of time. The pregnant woman feels that she takes up more space, she becomes heavy and sluggish. Therefore, it is natural for her to feel quite a bit of difficulty, resulting in affecting her self-image and self-confidence.  Both because of body changes and because of the need to take care of the embryo’s health, the pregnant woman may have to change some of her habits, while her independence and strengths decrease. The different way of life may cause confusion to the pregnant woman until she gets accustomed to her new habits.

Hormonal changes increase tension with which emotions are experienced and cause sudden mood changes. It is normal for a pregnant woman to feel anxiety and difficulty in coping with her feelings.  Furthermore, the pregnant woman’s environment, trying to help, might become pressing. The pregnant woman might find herself in a position hearing very different piece of advice concerning her pregnancy, resulting in her feeling pressure by the environment and being afraid that they maybe cannot understand her and support her.

The mother-to-be needs to be emotionally supported both to be able to cope with the constant  changes she experiences but also to prepare herself for a healthy relationship with the baby that will come to her life.

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